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Tyco Taiyo Collectors is a resource for enthusiasts of 80s, 90s, and 00s toys produced by Tyco®, Taiyo (Japan), Metro RC, Dickie Toys, and others, and is not affiliated with any toy company.

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  • 6234 Tyco Zero Gravity Cliff Hangers with Nite Glow Box Front 1
    The Tyco Zero Gravity Cliff Hangers was an electric slot car set manufactured by Tyco, and released into the US,…
  • 6490 Tyco Computer Racing 500 Box Front
    The Tyco Computer Racing 500 is a HO scale slot car track set and computerized race computer released in US,…
  • 2630 Tyco Twin Turbo Miller Indy Box Front Best
    The Tyco Miller Indy Miller was a radio controlled car manufactured by Taiyo Toys (Japan), and released by Tyco Toys…
  • 2105 Tyco Micro Fireball Box Front
    The Tyco Fireball or Tyco Micro Fireball is a simple 2xAA radio controlled car manufactured by Taiyo (Japan) and released…
  • 2559 Nitro Invader Box Front
    The Nitro Invader is a small 4.8V radio controlled toy manufactured by Taiyo Toys (Japan), and released onto the global…

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Google seems to be unsure what this is. Well Google, it's all the most popular Tyco Toys, such as Tyco RC, Dino Riders, Tyco HO Scale Slot Cars, and other cool 80s 90s Toys and Taiyo Japan RC Toys.