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Tyco Taiyo Collectors is a resource for enthusiasts of 80s, 90s, and 00s toys produced by Tyco®, Taiyo (Japan), Metro RC, Dickie Toys, and others, and is not affiliated with any toy company.

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  • 16065 Nikko Big Brutus Box Front
    The Nikko Big Brutus 4WDS is a 1/16 scale radio controlled monster truck manufactured by NIKKO R/C, and released into…
  • 2353 49 Tyco Jet Hopper Wild Thing Box Front
    The Tyco Jet Hopper Wild Thing was a radio controlled car manufactured by Taiyo (Japan), released into the US, UK,…
  • 2331 27 Aero Jet Hopper Box Front
    The 1992 Aero Jet Hopper is a radio controlled car manufactured by Taiyo (Japan), and released into the US, UK,…
  • 9224 Taiyo Rockie Ace Box Front 1
    The 1992 Taiyo Rockie Ace is a 1/14 scale radio controlled car manufactured by Taiyo (Japan). Very little is known…
  • 8360 Taiyo 4WD Ford Ranger Car perspective with winch
    This Taiyo Toyota Hilux 4WD is the Japanese version of the 4WD Winch Super Roader. As one of Taiyo's first…

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