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Nikko Turbo LandShark   Side Right

Tyco Fast Traxx vs Nikko Land Shark: A Super Serious Analysis​

Well here it is! Time to make the ultimate comparison!

As a Tyco Taiyo fanatic, my collection is made up of perhaps a hundred Taiyo and Tyco cars, and just like other brand rivalries such as Coke vs Pepsi, Samsung vs Apple or Ford vs GM/Holden, as a fan, I am 100% certain that my favorite brand completely poops all over the competition.

It’s as sure as the sun rising and the moon being made of cheese – after all, these important decisions were made years ago, back when I was 8 years old, by the greatest thinkers of my generation.

The Moon is Made of Cheese
The moon is made of cheese

But you’re still here aren’t you. You really want to compare these things?

Oh alright…  So where should we start? Hmm… I know… Fast Traxx! Oh yeah, look at that! This white one is from my personal collection, super rare! Made in Japan.

And this lovely Red Fast Traxx… or is it Orange? No idea, I’m color blind. And a black, also from Japan.

Of course, Nikko has NOTHING to compare to it, just a few kids toys really and… oh…

Nikko Turbo LandShark Box   Side
The Nikko Land Shark
Nikko Super Belt Box 2
The Nikko Super Belt

Oh. Well. The Nikko Land Shark or Nikko Super Belt as it’s known in Japan is purely a toy, a knock-off of the 1991 Taiyo Fast Traxx. I mean, it was manufactured in… 1991…?

Nikko Turbo LandShark   Perspective with controller copy
Nikko Turbo LandShark Perspective with controller copy

I mean look at the silly blue… front suspension system? It has front suspension!? But Fast Traxx doesn’t have that!

Nikko Turbo LandShark   Side Right
Nikko Turbo Land Shark

Front and rear suspension! Damn that looks so cooo… congenial. And look at that track sag! Hah! Well, the Fast Traxx has track sag too! But uh.. What is that stuff on the rear?? It’s huge!

Nikko Turbo LandShark   Rear copy
Nikko Turbo LandShark Rear copy

Look at the size of those twin motors! Kind of reminds me of uh… you know…

Testicles of the Charging Bull statue in New York City
Do bulls moo? Or only cows? These are the things we must know…

Hmm okay, let’s take a closer look at that rear end.

So it has rear shocks, good, Fast Traxx has rear. No fronts like this thing though. And that motor guard! Protecting the gearbox from getting smacked on something, and breaking a gear, as is known to happen… on… some… other cars.. Smart!

Nikko Turbo LandShark   Rear End Zoom
Rear end of a Nikko Turbo Land Shark

Looking underneath (see below) we can see this one has taken a beating, with scratches everywhere. That guard has done its job well. The fact the top of the Land Shark / Super Belt looks so good despite having taken a beating like this is… noteworthy. All the stickers on straight, still colorful. Hmm…

Nikko Turbo LandShark   Bottom
Nikko Turbo LandShark Bottom

So it’s a decent Toy R/C, perhaps comparable somewhat to the Tyco Fast Traxx.

But you know what they don’t have? A Pickup! Yep, the Taiyo / Tyco Fast Traxx Pickup.

What a beast!

Taiyo Fast Traxx Pickup Box
Taiyo Fast Traxx Pickup – Never seen it apart from this small photo!

Though personally my favorite is the Taiyo Fast Traxx Eliminator in Black – Mint, still in box…. Nice!

withbox taiyo FastTraxx Eliminator black
My Precious… Taiyo Fast Traxx Eliminator in Black

So anyway, let’s tally up the comparison and determine the winner.

In one corner…

Taiyo / Tyco Fast Traxx

Fast Traxx TV Commercial 1
Fast Traxx TV TV Commercial

What’s so good about the Fast Traxx?

  • Made in Japan and Singapore
  • Released in 1991 first, definitely maybe.
  • 9.6V Battery Pack and 8xAA Models
  • Available in Fluro Yellow, Red, Black, White, Green
  • 5 Models: Original, Pick-Up, Eliminator, Mini, Half
  • Futuristic and Awesome Looking!

And in the other corner…

Nikko Land Shark / Super Belt

Nikko Turbo LandShark actual photo V2
Nikko Turbo Land Shark magazine brochure

What about the Land Shark?

  • Made in Somewhere in Asia
  • Only available in 8xAA battery version according to my extensively limited research
  • Available in just 1 blue color, puh-leeze!
  • Just 2 Models: Original and Mini
  • Big Fat Donkey Balls on the Rear
  • Literally zero super awesome TV commercials (that I’m aware of).

And so, using the scientific method, we can clearly see that the Taiyo Tyco Fast Traxx is the superior Toy R/C Racing Tank of the 90s, conclusively and without a shadow of a doubt!

I mean, the fact they could not challenge the Fast Traxx Pickup or Eliminator, it really tells you everything you need to know!

I… but…who… WTF IS THAT THING!

Alright, that’s it! I’m done! That’s all! Good Day! I say, Good Day Sir!

Wonka I said Good Day
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