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1990 Tyco Magic 8 Ball

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value75 150
4.4 out of 5
Simply one of the original classic toys of our modern times. While it may not be the first iteration of the design, it's arguably one of the first that made it globally and helped ensure the Magic 8 Ball would became a worldwide classic.
out of 5
Review CommentSimply one of the original classic toys of our modern times. While it may not be the first iteration of the design, it's arguably one of the first that made it globally and helped ensure the Magic 8 Ball would became a worldwide classic.

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The Tyco Magic 8 Ball, also known as the Ideal Magic 8 Ball, was a novelty toy produced under license from Ideal, and released in the US, UK, and other countries worldwide in 1990.

The original design, not yet stylized as an 8 Ball, was created by Albert C. Carter in the 1940s, and revamped in the 1950s by Brunswick Billiards as a promotional tool. It wasn’t until the 1960s that it was reinvented as a children’s toy by the Ideal Toy company who also resolved one of its key design flaws (air bubbles) before the rights were sold to Tyco Toys in 1987.`.

Released as part of their 1990 Toy Collection, it maintained the same design and style while benefitting from Tyco’s global grasp on the toy scene, finally bringing it into homes around the world.

Tyco 1990s Marketing

For over 35 years, kids and adults have sought the advice of the Magic “8” Ball.
This classic novelty item will keep all ages captivated! Simply ask a question, turn the ball, and a prediction magically appears in the mystery window.
20 different witty answers provide advice.

– 1990 Tyco Toy Fair Catalog


Most of you probably already know how a Magic 8 Ball works, but for those unfamiliar, it’s quite simple. Think of a Yes / No question in your mind. Shake the 8 ball, and look underneath for the answer which would appear as the plastic polygonal shape inside floated to the top and rested against the clear window with its response on display.

8 Ball Response Outlook Not Good
A typical 8 Ball response “Outlook not so good”

The answers you received ranged from definite yes statements, such as “It is certain” or “Without a doubt”, Negative answers such as “Don’t count on it” and “My sources say no”, to indeterminate answers like “Ask again later” and “Reply hazy, try again”, amongst many others.


Like all Tyco products, they made sure to get the most from it by continually updating and re-releasing the product throughout the 90s, until they (Tyco Toys) were ultimately bought out by Mattel, who would go on to release their own version of the Magic 8 Ball.

Collectors Caution

The older a Magic 8 Ball is, the more likely that the liquid inside has escaped. Whenever buying online, ensure either the photos or the listing shows that it still has the liquid, otherwise ask the seller. It may be possible to add the liquid back in, though I’ve never tried myself.

Availability and Collectability

The genius of its design is its ability to speak across cultures and generations, being cheap and easily accessible yet entertaining to adults and children alike. For this reason the Magic 8 Ball was inducted into the US National Toy Hall of Fame in 2018, and is undoubtedly collectable and desireable by collectors across the globe, both in Tyco iterations, and earlier designs.

Sadly there just isn’t many original 1990 Tyco Magic 8 Balls available, with the bulk already picked up by toy collectors world wide, in toy museums and private collections no doubt. If you’re seeking one, my advice as always is to set a Saved Search on eBay, and get in contact with Toy Collectors globally via our forum and by joining our Facebook Group.

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