This page documents one of the few known Taiyo Limited Edition R/C cars, only available at the 1988 Tokyo Toy Show and believed to be a celebration of Taiyo’s Toy of the Year win with it’s Typhoon hovercraft.
1987 Taiyo Racing Pick-Up 4WD ‘Red’ Body
This car is unique with its orange-colored rubber tires, sticker on box and manual indicating its participation in the Tokyo Toy Show Championship, and unique Band 01, 26.995Mhz frequency that allowed racing up to 6 vehicles.
Sticker (translated from Japanese)
1988 Tokyo Toy Show Harumi
Limited Edition 6 Color 6 Band Set
Racing Pickup 4WD
#1. Band 26.995MHz
Red Body
For more information on the limited edition sets, please see: Taiyo Limited Edition Colored Tire Cars
or the product page itself:
1987 Taiyo Racing Pick-Up 4WD.
IMPORTANT: Valuation Data
Price data shown for this product is based on the regular model, not the limited edition since LEs are too rare to get pricing data on. We’d estimate an LE model is worth 1.5-2X more than a regular model.