The Taiyo Super Fight F-1 (Japan/Single) is a Formula One style radio control car manufactured by Taiyo Toys (Japan), and released in Japan as well as various other markets under different brands from 1987.
Features and Performance
The version I’m looking at here is the original Japanese release with a single motor, unlike the dual motor ‘Twin Turbo’ Super Fight F1 released at the same time. While it carries one less motor, the speed and acceleration is still excellent due to the low weight, low center of gravity, and awesome slick tires.
Running 8 x AA Ni-Cd batteries (as it was designed for) or modern NiMh rechargeable batteries it’s essentially a Tyco 9.6V Turbo in everything but name. But if you insert modern Alkaline batteries, you’ll get a full 12 volts at full charge! Just don’t hammer it too hard, as this will overheat the engine, especially in warmer climates, and these earlier Taiyo’s did’nt have any heatsink installed.
Here’s a video of the Super Fight F1 zipping around using Ni-Mh rechargeable batteries (9.6V)
With all of the suspension components from its bigger brother intact, and quite decent power from the 9.6V Turbo with Mabuchi 280 motor, the Super Fight F1 will provide you a respectable top speed of 27km/h.
Collectability and Availability
As a car sold primarily in Japan, these are’nt too easy to come by unless you frequent Japanese auction sites, or happen to find one imported to your country. That said, it’s not difficult to buy Taiyo RC from Japan, and postage costs are significant but not ridiculous, so it’s often well worth importing than paying a local premium.