This is the Taiyo Mini Hopper 2, released in 1987 by Taiyo as a successor to the original Mini Hopper. As far as we can tell, all Taiyo Mini Hopper 2 were this rainbow color scheme, and international (Tyco, Metro) were the traditional Red and Black versions.
Due to the uniqueness, this rainbow version is starting to get rare, but you should be able to track one down if you look in the right places.
Despite the packaging only indicating ‘Mini Hopper’, we know this is the Mini Hopper 2 due to its release a year after the first, various design changes, and Tyco clearing up any confusion by labeling their American version simply ‘Mini Hopper 2‘.
Improvements from the original version are:
- Added front shocks, inc. shock towers.
- Knobbly off-road front tires
- Strengthened front end and steering assembly
With just 4xAA batteries, performance is reasonable for a small RC,
and the suspension upgrades increase the fun outdoors, or indoors over
some mild jumps, though if you’re looking for performance we’d
definitely recommend a Taiyo / Tyco 9.6V vehicle.