This Taiyo Mini Hopper is the original Mini Hopper released by Taiyo in Japan during 1986, alongside the full size Taiyo Jet Hopper.
Available in both Red and White, it’s most unique feature is the unusual ‘flat’ front wheels, looking very similar to those on the Tamiya Grass Hopper, which was the core inspiration for the original Jet Hopper design.
Comparing the photo below of the actual Tamiya Grass Hopper, and the white Taiyo Mini Hopper (Original), you can see a fair resemblance.
Features and Performance
Powered by 4xAA batteries, its performance won’t blow you off your feet however the Mini Hopper range was always meant for simple fun indoor R/C, particularly for kids and youngsters who would find the larger 9.6V Turbo models too powerful, and made a great present for birthdays or Christmas without breaking the bank.
These days, Mini Hoppers are the perfect entry point into the hobby of 80s Toys and Tyco collecting. While this specific model may be less common, other Mini Hoppers are fairly easy to find and relatively cheap.
Collectability and Availability
With so many 80s and 90s kids owning one, they make a great nostalgic gift and look perfect on a shelf as a model, or throw in some AA batteries and race around the house!
Despite their age, these Made in Japan toys typically run perfectly fine with very little issues apart from any obvious damage from previous owners.
Yet finding one, at least this original Made in Japan model is becoming increasingly difficult. Yahoo Japan Auctions is probably the best place to start your hunt.