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Tyco Taiyo Collectors is a resource for enthusiasts of 80s, 90s, and 00s toys produced by Tyco®, Taiyo (Japan), Metro RC, Dickie Toys, and others, and is not affiliated with any toy company.

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1980 Dickie VW Golf Polyzai Mk1

taiyo logo very small19808000,8002,80203xAA9V Vsml 0km/h

Ultra Rare
4 out of 5
While the car itself is nothing special, it's rarity and popularity bring our score up considerably compared to simlar models of the era.
out of 5
Review CommentWhile the car itself is nothing special, it's rarity and popularity bring our score up considerably compared to simlar models of the era.

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    ScaleDiff.Made inMotor


    The Dickie VW Golf Polyzai is a radio controlled car released in 1980s Germany by the local brand Dickie Toys, and manufactured by Taiyo.

    In 1979 Taiyo released the Dickie VW Golf styled as a rally car, and later, a Police (Polyzai) version (Model #7922) sold as the Dickie VW Golf Polyzai in Germany.

    Later came the MK1 version with upgraded styling, which is this product. The performance is upgraded over the original 2xAA version, this time with 3xAA, however like all early Taiyo R/C there is an additional 9V battery onboard to power the electronics, plus the 9V for the controller. That’s alot of batteries!

    Finding a MK1 Polyzai in good condition is rare, and so the prices can be eye wateringly high, even for broken ones, or those without packaging.

    Mission Impossible – what is the model number?
    Being sure of the model numbers of Dickie Toys cars can be difficult, since they usually had a single model number for the whole year put on each vehicle or box. We suspect this was to avoid re-certifying a new model when it used the same RC gear as a previously certified model.

    This one in particular has 3 model numbers (!!)  on the car and packaging, and none of them are exclusive to this VW Golf Polyzai MK1! So uh… we’ll just go with all of them for now.

    8000: Taiyo frequently added the genuine model number of its vehicle onto the car body itself, either on a number plate, or elsewhere (eg. Fast Traxx’s NCC 9015 on the wing). This car has 8000 on its number plate, and this appears on all Golf variants.

    8002: Article number 8002 is printed on the side of the box, however 8002 is the model number of the Taiyo BMW 3.5 CSL.

    8020: The stated model number of this car on the packaging and car itself is 8020, but this is on all 1980 Dickie Toys models manufactured by Taiyo, for reasons explained above.

    Note: Since these are so rare, we’re combining the Taiyo and Dickie product into one page.

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